Have you upgraded to SSL yet?

17 Oct 2019
Keeping your website visitors' data safe is an important responsibility, and most websites are now using SSL encryption to do exactly that.
Over the past few years, Google and other companies have updated their browsers to show warnings or alerts when visitors land on a website that isn't using SSL.
SSL basically encrypts any exchange of data between your website and the visitor, protecting that data in case of any interception from a third-party.
Once SSL is active on your website, you can assure visitors via the following three indicators:
1. HTTPS prefix instead of the insecure HTTP prefix
2. Padlock icon next to your URL instead of a 'Not secure' alert
3. Secure Site Seal, which when clicked, tells the visitor that your website has been secured with SSL
Google has also confirmed that a website using SSL will rank higher than if they're not using SSL.
If your website isn't using SSL, visit our SSL Certificates page, or contact us to find out how we can help.
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